February 08, 2016

He is my Ally

Hello my readers, I am sure this will have come as a surprise to you popping up on your feed. Yes, this is my mission blog. I have officially been home for more than a year now.

Yesterday was Sunday, however, and after some great church meetings, I decided to come home and call some of my old investigators or mission families. It had been a while and my heart has been aching to talk to some of these amazing people.

 This week in my religion class, as a closing assignment, we have the option to create a blog post sharing what we have learned this week. I found it a great opportunity to share what I have learned and to fit an assignment in this way.

This week, we were invited to read in the first chapters of Romans. Now, the Bible has never been an easy read for me. In fact, I have to admit, I have never read the Bible cover to cover. I have read all the chapters and it's content, but never from one end straight through to the other. So, studying the New Testament at school has been a blessing for me.

I ran across the scripture this week in Romans 8:31."If God be for us, who can be against us?" 

In other words, if we have God on our side, then we have no need to fear of our enemies. What has been an overlaying theme this week to me has been the concept of trusting God. There have been many times that I have received a prompting and chose not to follow it out of fear of men. Men, or my peers for a better term, SCARE ME. I cannot handle well, being made fun of, criticized or torn down. Especially for something that is so important to me. For example, I remember once in high school pouring my heart out to a friend about my testimony of eternal life. While my friend respected me, a peer who was eavesdropping, immediately chimed in to tell me that my beliefs were fake and could not possibly be real. That broke my heart. I wanted him to so badly feel the peace and know what I knew to be true. 

The important thing to remember is that God is always on our side. Even if we are not doing what's right, He is there cheering from the sidelines trying to get us back on track. However, we will not only be supported, but blessed when we stand up for ourselves and especially our Father in Heaven. So I ask the same question to you...."If God is for YOU, then who could be against YOU?"

"We don’t have to wait to cross the finish line to receive God’s blessings. In fact, the heavens begin to part and the blessings of heaven begin to distill upon us with the very first steps we take toward the light." 
Dieter F. Uchtdorf 

October 08, 2014

Meet the Mormons

If any of you haven't heard, the Church has released a new movie called "Meet the Mormons." We are more than excited for this big step! 
"Meet the Mormons" are going to showed in theaters October 10
We are SO excited. 
This is a chance for the world to see what we really are about. 

For more info, check out the website.

July 09, 2014

How Effective are Your Prayers?

This Question impacted me a lot. How effective am I praying? 

LDS.org. Sister Linda S. Reeves posted an excellent article about this.

I love self-evaluating questions, like the ones she asked "How is our communication with our Father in Heaven? Has our communication with Him improved? Do we speak with Him more often, or less? How effective is our communication?”

Miracle of the Week

This Sunday we took one of our new members out with us to work. She just got baptized a few weeks back, and she was pretty nervous. We were praying that we would find people that night, becuase we didn't have any set appointments. We went to the first house, and the woman wasn't home. We ended up talking to somebody else and getting a return appointment for her to learn more.

We later went to another neighborhood, and we found at least 3 other families outside on the street for us to teach and talk to

It is always so much more powerful with a member there. She rocked it!

When are You Brave?

Our last Zone Conference we focused on when we are Brave. Being a missionary is sometimes a scary thing. We have to talk to complete strangers and invite them to hear more about the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So, our mission made a music video, where we all answered the question "I am brave when...."

So when are YOU going to be brave?
Go be brave, go share the Gospel. Why not? 

My Rock

Today I am feeling grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am far from perfect. And, I am far from being without problems and trials in my life. I have had my fair share or challenges.
But something I have learned is that life, is stressful. 

No matter how stressful, hard, or lost we may seem. HE, understands.

Jesus Christ paid the price for everything we will ever have to go through in this life. 

That does not mean that, that diminishes our personal responsibility to act and suffer the consequences for our actions.

But, because of Him, it is possible.

June 18, 2014

Rockin the Tri-panionship

So, we had transfers last week. And me and my companion, Hermana Moleli both STAYED!
But, we gained another companion :)
Hermana Schultz joined our duo, and now we are a trio.
We have seen so many miracles the past week though. I have never felt so good at listening to the promptings or the whisperings of the Holy Ghost.
We were able to knock a door, walk into somebody on the street, or just visit the person that needed us most.
It's incredible to see how much the Lord's hand really is in this work.
Plus, we love using our exercise balls together :)