March 22, 2014

Remember that one time....?

Remember that one time? That time when everything seemed to go wrong? Yes, as a missionary, I still get those days.
In fact, I had a handful of those days last week.
It seemed that both me and my companion managed to both get sick, with different sicknesses.
Also, due to daylight saving, our alarm was set wrong, so we started off the day by scrambling when we woke up late.
All of our appointments seemed to fall through, one by one.
To put it plainly, things were not going my way.
I look back at my week, and who I was before my mission.
I have come to learn something on my mission.
Before, I probably would have been an emotional wreck {now that is not saying I didn't have my fair share of therapeutic chocolate}
But I handled the disappointments with a completely new understanding.
I knew, everything would work out. All things will be for our good.
Even when things seem crazy and hopeless, there is a light.
I am so imperfect. How grateful I am that I don't have to rely solely on my own abilities. But rather, I can rely on my Savior. Through him, I can do anything

The other day, even when everything seemed to NOT WORK, I looked up, and realized that the sun was shining for the first time in weeks. It was beautiful
Not to mention, we can choose how our day turns out. Regardless of what happens to us.
We can choose to be happy.
Let the little things, make the big difference
{Speaking of little things, the women sitting next to me in the Library just told me that she loves the color of my hair. Make my day}
So even if today is a train wreck, pick up the rubble and make it great!
you have the LET the sun Shine :)

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