February 21, 2014


"Limitless is your potential. Magnificent is your future, if you take control of it." — Gordon B. Hinckley

You have the ability to become whoever you want to become. We will all have adversity and hard things in our lives. But it is our decision on how we let those things shape us. We have agency, we have the ability to choose.
Nobody, or nothing, has the ability to tell us who, or who we cannot become.
Create goals. Make them happen. Rely on your savior, Jesus Christ.

So..Dare to Dream! Dare to be you. Never forget....you are limitless.

February 20, 2014

I am a Child of God. So are YOU!

I have been a missionary for almost 9 months now. That is half of my mission. It the time of me serving, I have worked with a lot of different people. Men, women, youth, children.
There is, however, one underlying struggle that almost every one of the people I have worked with have. Almost every single one of them, don't know understand their grand potential and worth.

We are children of God.
That is no small thing. God is Creator of the world, our spirits and bodies, and who is all powerful and all knowing. He is a King. We are his Children.
Do we truly understand what this means?!

This means we can walk with our heads up, our spirits high and the knowledge of what we can become.

As humans, women especially, we tend to beat ourselves up, put ourselves down. When we do this, we are obviously not recognizing that we are putting down God’s finest and most proud creation.

He made you. He loves you. We must never forget that.
"I am his Daughter" 
"I am a Child of God"

February 19, 2014

Mundial Mormon

All the missionaries in my district, the missionaries serving in the same area and Ward as me, are planning a huge event. We are putting together a giant soccer tournament and a talent show. We are trying to get the word out to EVERYONE. So of course, what do we do?
We take goofy pictures with a cardboard soccer ball :)