July 09, 2014

My Rock

Today I am feeling grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ.

I am far from perfect. And, I am far from being without problems and trials in my life. I have had my fair share or challenges.
But something I have learned is that life, is stressful. 

No matter how stressful, hard, or lost we may seem. HE, understands.

Jesus Christ paid the price for everything we will ever have to go through in this life. 

That does not mean that, that diminishes our personal responsibility to act and suffer the consequences for our actions.

But, because of Him, it is possible.

When we truly understand this, NOTHING seems impossible to overcome. In one small moment, we may feel like we cannot do it. But the truth is, we always can. There is a way. It is possible.

 There is nothing that we will have to suffer that Jesus Christ did not already suffer first.

Plus, our Heavenly Father will never give us anything that we cannot handle.


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